DIY Leaning Wall Shelf: Part One

So my niece was born on September 19th, and pretty much the creativity wheels have been nonstop since then! But one thing I have discovered since meeting her and returning back to Boston, is that I love to build. I absolutely. Completely. Love it.

And good thing I do because my newest obsession (okay, for the past month) is!  *Now just so you know, my grandfather was a carpenter and taught me and my brothers a lot about woodworking, BUT this still is semi-new to my set of skills.

The boyfriend has been obsessing over those leaning bookcases, you know the ones, but I died when I saw the prices: $299, $350, $400! And with his birthday coming up (and me just wanting to build) I thought what a good excuse to make Ana's leaning wall shelf!

So, we headed to Home Depot, and a local hardware shop in Jamaica Plain to get all that we needed.  We scored on a $5 gallon of Oops! paint which happened to be a beautiful milk chocolate color - Their loss! =)

Here is Part One: The Frame

*Excuse my messy dorm room/things tacked on the hideous armoire

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