A confession...

I know that a very small audience (READ: 0-2 people) is actually reading this blog currently, and I'm fine with that.   I have a confession -- My plans for this blog are very, very, VERY long term and I don't plan on having enough time, money, crafts for quite a while.  Meanwhile, I want to occasionally post crafts I can afford to make and am making at the time, but my main goal for now (the next six months) is to gather ideas, inspiration, followers, and materials for what will be my blog some day.

If you stumble upon this blog, and this is the first entry you find, I hope that you take a moment to browse some simple projects as well as read my 'About me,' to gather a sense of who I am and what the long-term goal for N&H is.  (I think you might find it worthwhile to come revisit me in a year or so!)

Actually, at this point, I'm amazed that I have more than one post a month! I'm definitely still making stuffies and hats in my room, probably three or four of each at this very moment (kidding, probably only two of each hehe).

With love,
Needle & H

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's okay, I check it all the time to see all the new things you do, no matter how small!!!
JoAnne :)

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