Back from hiatus!

So, we've been dealing with this:

Thank you, Massachusetts!

Don't worry though, I have a few posts prepared for the next few days!
I'm having withdrawals from my sewing machine, drill, and brand new pocket hole jig.  I was so sad to live my Little Pink Drill at home =(


If only extra luggage wasn't so expensive, and I was flying back to school on Southwest.. It's alright though, because the less I build while at school, the more groceries and books I can buy, and the less stuff I have to put in a storage unit.  Woohoo!

There is a bright side to having so much snow --- SNOW DAYS! I am very pleased to admit that we have had almost no classes so far, and our semester began January 26th.  It has been very pleasant, but I wish I could have known and stayed home a little longer.

Hope everyone is safe (and warm) wherever you may be. And happy February!


Anonymous said...

We had some recent weather like that! It sucks!

Lia said...

It really does! We're expecting more this weekend. There's nowhere left to put the snow!

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